
VBS registration is now open!  Head over to the registration page to get started

We offer many opportunities for our youth to learn and grow in Christ.  Here is an overview of some of the programs we offer.

Sunday Mornings:

The nursery and preschool classrooms are open at 8:45 for parents to sit with their children, the sermon is available on the speaker.

Nursery and Preschool class with a volunteer is also available at 11:00

K-6th Grade Junior Church Sundays at 11:00

Sunday School:

Classes are offered for Birth – High school 10-10:45

Bible Study:

High school Group meets Sunday 6-7pm

Middle School and Elementary Youth Groups – Wednesday @ 7pm

Join us every Wednesday in the Youth Center for snacks, arcade-style games and a lesson.

Please check our facebook page for event details!